omfg. my first submission is done. i will finally serve a ng purpose. but sadly, i cannot have a submission without a "voucher" oh and my submission is art. SO!!! If anybody would like to vouch for my art, pm me ! (or reply to this) . well, since i have no other tools to create "Art" besides paintshop... it is made by, well, paintshop.
But contrary to popular beleaf, paintshop can be used to make some good art! if enough time and hard work is put in, and none of the tools paintshop makes look like crap are used, (eclipse tool, spraypaint, etc. im not saying these tools are bad, im just sayin they're bad on paintshop.) and the only tools i did use were paintbrush and fill. no kidding! im not as nooby as you may think, ehh, *walks in front of google obtained icon* besides that.
Even though i havnt submitted anything, i know what GOOD art is. so, somebody please vouch for me!
(its my first submission so i dont rlly know how that is done XP i may need an explination)
and ill post the art when someone is willing to vouch for me =3